kirstine lund
Born: Nordjylland, Denmark
Works and lives in Denmark
2012-2014 Fine Art, Konsthögskolan Valand Göteborgs universitet (MA)
2001-2004 Mixed Media Fine Art and curator, University of Westminster (BA Hons)
2013 Student exchange at Akademie der Bildende Künste in Vienna under Professor Monica Bonvicini
2013 Intaglio printmaking, Akademie der Bildende Künste in Vienna
2004 Jewellery making - Silver smith, Westminster Kingsway college, London
2000 Photography, Westminster Kingsway college, London
2000 Sculpture Techniques, Westminster Kingsway college, London
1999 Art and Design Portfolio, City and Islington College, London
Upcoming exhibitions
2018 Simultaneous Souvenirs Duo exhibition with Linn Lindstroem to be shown at Stockholm Postmuseum, Stockholm Sweden
2018 Vesterbro Safetymap, Project in cooperation with Christian Van Schijndel and Emma Sofie Møller, Feminist Utopia at Meter, Copenhagen,
2017 Simultaneous Souvenirs (a record of a wordless correspondence) Duo exhibition with Linn Lindstroem at Enigma museum for post, tele og kommunikation, Copenhagen Denmark
2017 Vi tager intet ansvar 5, group exhibition KRÆ Syndikatet pop-up gallery at Warehouse9, Copenhagen Denmark
2017 Vesterbro Safetymap, Project in cooperation with Christian Van Schijndel and Emma Sofie Møller, permanent exhibition at Warehouse9, Copenhagen
2016 En anden verden (Another world) group exhibition at Hjorten, Copenhagen Denmark
2015 KE15 Cencored autumn exhibition at Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Copenhagen Denmark
2014 (S)elsewere group exhibition in Sel, Norway
2014 Fast Forward final master group exhibition at Göteborgs konsthall
2014 Pending Concurrence final master solo exhibition at Rotor1 Valand Gothernburg
2014 BILD BILD group exhibition at Rotor1 and Rotor2 Valand Gothernburg
2013 Art of Change at Chalmers Universitet, commissioned by Akademiska Hus, Gothernburg
2013 As if Silence(s), group exhibition at Tjolöholm Castle inFjärås near Gothernburg
2013 Fetal Heart Custody, group exhibition at Friday Exit, Vienna, Austria
2012 Find the Title inside the Cookie, group exhibition at Rotor2 Valand Gothernburg
2012 The Peoples Museum, group exhibition at Rotor1 Valand Gothernburg
2004 Spring BA degree exhibition at Gallery Space Place, London UK
2013 "Not Everybody is a Painter" and "Oskickade brev, staying for dessert and other short stories", Group artist book as part of GIBCA (Göteborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art)
2014 Gurmund / Neubergh stipendium
2013 Stiftelsen Otto och Charlotte Mannheimers fond
2014 (S)elsewere residency. Sel, Norway.
2010 Board member at the art studio community Billedkunstværkstederne BKV, Valby Denmark
2011 Board member at the art studio community Kong George, Federiksberg Denmark
2011 Assistant for the artist group Wooloo, Copenhagen
2014 Assistant for artist Charlotte Thrane, Copenhagen
2017 Production assistant at Warehouse9, Copenhagen